Friday 9 August 2024

Tax me not.....

Robin Hood, Little John, Will Scarlet, Much the Miller, Friar Tuck & Sid the Scythe have set off to rob the tax collector...


In the village of Papplethorpe, the tax man with an escort has arrived to collect monies due..

Villagers remonstrate with the tax collector over the amount levied .....
Robin Hood and his men on their way to the village to 'intercept' the tax revenues ...
They split up and approach the village from different directions ....

Robin distracts a couple of guards and they give chase....

Little John, Sid the Scythe, Friar Tuck, Will Scarlet and Much the Miller make their move and attack the guards....

Robin tussles with the two soldiers who chased him ...
and beats them off, wounding one ...
In the village, the outlaws have all the soldier busy.. Much makes his way to the tax collector...
Robin cross words with a soldier again, while other moves to block his way back into the village..
The fighting continues in the village, Much is chasing the tax collector...
Robin beats off the soldier, wounding him and then runs round to deal with the next one ...
Much catches up with the tax collector...
While Much persuades the tax collector to part with the money, Little John comes to the aid of Friar Tuck...
Sid the Scythe holds back a soldier while Much and Friar Tuck move away with the money...
Robin is now back the village, the two soldiers who followed him are wounded and now moving rather slowly; Will Scarlet holds of another soldier... 
Robin shouts - "back to the green wood", and they move towards the edge of the village....
Robin helps out Sid the Scythe as the others keep the soldiers at bay....
As Much and Friar Tuck fun off down the road towards the forest with the loot, the soldiers make one last desparate charge which is held.... 
The soldiers out-matched, fall back to catch their breath; Robin bids them 'good day' before he turns and runs off....
Hoorah! for Robin Hood

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